7 Ways To Build Trust With Your Customers Organically

People buy from people, not organizations. Therefore in order to make sales, companies must build relationships and learn and meet the customers’ needs. These relationships are built on the foundation of trust as customers come to know and like your brand.

Customers trust your product description, your expertise and security in making the transaction. Trust is the essential factor in every business relationship and interaction when making a purchase. Building trust from the first to last point of contact is critical to customer relationships and loyalty.

About 83% of customers will recommend a business they trust to others. This goes to show how much more cost-effective customer retention is compared to customer acquisition. 

However, establishing trust with your target market can be challenging. Companies try making expensive ads, hiring expensive PR firms and giveaways to save their image. Any company that has lost their customers’ trust will tell you, it can’t be forced. Trust can only be earned and that process has to be as organic. 

Therefore set aside the gimmicks and start make genuine efforts to serve and add value to your customers. 

1. Put your customer first: Customer service is crucial for any business. The more helpful you are, the more favorably people will think of you. Customers want to be heard and appreciated, so when you can ask for feedback and act on it accordingly. Happy and satisfied customers are your number one brand advocate and source of more business.

2. Embrace technology: Social media is a very important tool because it helps you stay socially relevant, visible and active. It is more flexible, less formal and a cost-effective way to build trust through communication. Use social media to tell stories and show your followers your brand personality and voice and connect with them on a more personal level.

3. Stop selling, start consulting: Along with the sale, provide your customers with information that will also help them in making the buying decision. This will increase your likeability and popularity among customers.

4. Know your stuff: Gather up as much knowledge as you can about your craft, the market and stay current on the latest advancements relating to your industry. This will make you more reliable, resourceful and position you as an authority figure in the market.

5. Sharpen skills: Your customers expect the best from you so always raise the bar. Attend trainings, take courses, learn from others and always find ways to apply your knowledge. To sharpen your skills means to be open and willing to learn and remaining teachable. In this way you build your competency and perfect your skills in service provision.

6. Manage your time: What would happen if a bank sent all their staff for training on a Monday? Chaos as everything would be at a standstill. Plan your time well so you are able to have time to learn, adapt and teach but not so the business and customers are not inconvenienced as a result.

7. Add value to customers: Part of my morning routine is to touch base with clients. The list changes from day to day. We make small talk, ask how they are doing etc. but a more effective method is to add value by giving the customer more than they expect. For example if I worked with an airline company struggling with team cohesiveness, I can send them newsletters with tips and tricks that will give them further insights while keeping me TOMA and relevant.

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