Our role as bosses is to connect company visions and values and our employees’ growth, needs and values. We’ve been in both positions in our careers so we know how the boss-employee relationship quality determines the longevity and development of employees’ careers in companies. In our current role, are we conscious about cultivating employees in this light? The highs and lows of our leadership examined from this perspective below.
People leave managers, not companies; we’ve heard it, we’ve experienced it. Simply heading a team does not make us leaders. But through learning and applying quality leadership attributes, we can transform the way we lead and change the outcomes by motivating people.
For 17 years of my employed career, I worked at one company because my boss empowered me in my work and taught me decision-making skills. He was always prepared to coach and mentor me, providing guidance in a respectful manner. As a result I was able to learn and grow, not just in this regard but in others as well, particularly with my subordinates. He presented me with many training opportunities so I could better build on my learned skills with the objective of being successful at leadership as well as at the company.
Wherever I went, within and outside of the company, I brought those values and ethics with me. My professional values spilled over into other areas of my work. And therein lays a very integral part of the hiring process. It is important to make sure personal values and professional values are aligned. If there is no synchronization, many challenges will arise as new recruits join the system.
“It is important to make sure personal values and professional values are aligned. If there is no synchronization, many challenges will arise as new recruits join the system.”
Using these 4 areas of coaching, empowering, relationship building and value system, I found myself with a fulfilling career where I dedicated 17 years of my life to serving that company and my manager. I believed in it, I used it and it worked! Moreover I did not feel like I was working for my company I felt like I was working with my company to achieve results that were recognized and appreciated.
No organization is without its problems. Even with this great approach mistakes were made and problems arose. However whenever this happened, they were highlights in a very respectful and helpful manner. We always saw these as these occurrences as opportunities to coach the teams we lead. Once again this is another important way to assess our leadership capability, how we look at and solve problems that arise from various approaches we apply. Apply, learn and adapt as frequently and often as needed.
“An important way to assess out leadership capability, how we look at and solve problems that arise from various approached we apply.”
An essential part of conscious leadership is self-awareness. This means getting to know yourself, your leadership style and who you are as a person. As aware as we are of our leadership, as the latter implies, we need to be aware of our drives as well. Once we are aware of what our strengths and pitfalls are, we can proceed to increase the good and take out the bad.
In summary, let’s list off some important qualities to look for in a:
Bad Boss
- Micromanager
- Indecisive
- Leads without clear vision and goals
- Not focused on relationship building
- Has unethical behaviors
- Gives orders and expects obedience
- Doesn’t value employee contributions
Good Boss
- Coach/trainer
- Empower staff to make decisions
- Has clear defined goals and vision
- Emotionally intelligent
- Embodies professional ethics and values
- Leads by example
- Appreciative and respectful
If you can think of anymore please comment below…)
And here’s to good bosses! May we know them and may we be them. Cheers!