Abdulrahman Hussein – Riders Are Leaders (#25)

Abdulrahman Hussein is the head of cybersecurity services at Soft-Tech Consultants. He has a passion for cyber and information security, as well as for helping clients identify their security risks and determine their cybersecurity preparedness. He is a cyclist who organizes cycling events in Tanzania, as well as an active member of the Rotary Club of Dar es Salaam Oyster Bay. He helps the community by implementing various service projects and fundraisers.

Today, Abdulrahman joins us to share his leadership journey and how cycling has played a huge role in shaping him both physically and in service to others. He started on a journey to improve his health by cycling and learned many other lessons along the way that improved his self-leadership and service to others. This brings a whole new perspective to the work-life equilibrium because, whereas others choose to separate their at-work and at-home lives, today we explore how lessons learned during play can make for one interesting leader.

“Don’t be afraid of leadership opportunities. Take them. Chances are, you may not always be successful, but there will be people there to help you and guide you.”

– Abdulrahman Hussein

This week on the Engage Relate Perform Podcast:

  • How Abdulrahman got into cycling
  • How leading everyday people outside of work makes it easier to engage and relate with people at work
  • The power of a shared passion and goal
  • Abdulrahman’s take on self-leadership
  • Discipline, clarity, and execution as the three keys to success

1 thought on “Abdulrahman Hussein – Riders Are Leaders (#25)”

  1. Pingback: All Work and All Play Make For More Interesting Leaders Ft Abdulrahman Hussein – Murtaza Versi

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