All Work and All Play Make For More Interesting Leaders Ft Abdulrahman Hussein

What are your hobbies? What are some habits you take time to indulge in outside of your work that build your character in other directions? What are things you do to relax and meet people in non-professional settings?

If it is not gardening, hiking, or slam poetry then you are missing out! If you are one of those professionals who don’t have time for hobbies, may I remind you of the golden rule: MAKE TIME!

Hobbies are a beautiful thing for a leader because they allow us the space to relax and develop skills that transfer very well to the workspace as well. Often when we’ve invested so much in our careers or companies, it can be easy to fall into the trap of believing it is all we are good for. However, one must always remember to not put all our eggs in one basket.

The pursuit of different talents and interests has many benefits such as developing confidence, preventing burnout and enhancing creative problem-solving, all this in an environment with way less pressure and stakes. It brings a whole new meaning to work-life equilibrium because whereas many strive to separate their at-home from at-work lives, we’re exploring how play can make for a more interesting leader.

I got a powerful testimony of this from my colleague, Abdulrahman Hussein, who is an avid cyclist and the head of cybersecurity services at Soft-Tech Consultants. What started out as a fitness journey, became more well-rounded when it also helped him improve in service to others and self-leadership. Check it out and comment how hobbies have recently upped /will up your game.

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And check out my ebook “Engage, Relate, Perform–90 Days to Conscious Leadership and Performance Culture”

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