Answering Guest Questions – Part 2 (#60)

Why are relationships nowadays so difficult or challenging, and what is your advice to build better relationships in life? What is your greatest source of continuous learning? What do you do when the going gets tough? What are the three things you would do to create the biggest impact in your community?

Today, I answer these questions. I talk about the positive and negative effects of technology on relationships, and I share my advice on building relationships. I note the power of mindfulness and observing, and I emphasize the importance of creating a culture of learning among the youth.

“We can’t build relationships with too many people.”
– Murtaza Versi

This week on the Engage Relate Perform Podcast:

  • The effects of technology on relationships
  • Advice on relationships
  • The power of observing and being mindful
  • Creating a culture of learning
  • Reaching the youth

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