Daniel Kijo on Sports and Leadership – Reshaping through Self-Discipline

“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” – Chinese proverb

Tom Brady, Serena Williams and Tiger Woods, to name a few, are all top performers in their field who took years to get to the top but stay there because of their consistency, hard work, focus and self-discipline. All of which you simply can’t go places without! 

Self-discipline is the ability to control one’s feelings and overcome one’s weaknesses. It is the ability to resist the desire for instant gratification in favor of gaining the long-term satisfaction and fulfillment from achieving higher and more meaningful goals. And at this very moment, we are having flashbacks to the diet and workout regimen we promise ourselves to start and stick to every New Year. Then we look at the people mentioned in the first paragraph and are in awe of how they got to be where they are. Luckily, my friend Daniel Kijo shares his journey with MMA and humbly remarks how the lessons he learns during his training have shaped his life greatly.

Daniel Kijo is a guy who leads in the art of storytelling. For over a decade he has used digital media formats such as TV, News, and Film to help clients share their stories, communicate their brand mission, and increase profit through multimedia branding. A mixed martial artist, family man, and PanAfrican, he strives to live a full and balanced life. Whether interviewing leaders and policymakers or sweating as he takes his weekly runs with his children, he approaches both scenarios the same way: with a big smile and a positive attitude.

On this episode, Daniel joins me to share his story and purpose. He shares his experience with mixed martial arts and the lessons he’s learned from it that he now applies to other parts of his life. He notes the importance of self-discipline and shares how he tries to instill it in his children. He explains why you shouldn’t underestimate your subordinates’, or kids’, abilities. He talks about the importance of clear communication and the value of having a mentor and role model. He discusses the dangers of focusing too much on the end goal and introduces the 1% Rule. He offers insights on managing the downs in life and notes the importance of a good support system. He explains his belief that the shaping of leaders starts in the home, and he talks about the dangers of instant gratification. Finally, he urges listeners to take responsibility for their lives and not to give up.

“If you don’t improve and you think you know it all, that’s the moment you stop growing.” Daniel Kijo

Training martial arts is a good way for adults and children alike to learn self-discipline. It is one of those things that comes naturally with regular training and dedication to any discipline in the long-run. Of course, martial arts classes teach you many other things besides discipline. What great things have you learned from sports? Comment below and let’s share.

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