Delegating to Empower: A Discussion (PT II) (#54)

Ben Owden is a trainer and Tanzanian broadcaster who hosts a podcast entitled “Why Lead Others.”

Today, Ben joins me for Part II of our podcast episode (Part I is available on his platform) to talk about what makes a leader. We talk about what empathy is and why it’s important, and we distinguish between understanding and accepting. Ben offers his thoughts on diversity of thought and explains why total agreement within a team is a red flag. He shares insight on how to ask the right questions, we talk about what makes a good leader, and we note the importance of admitting when you’re wrong. We discuss the importance of authenticity, emphasize the gravity of a leader’s role in the workplace, and note the importance of integrity and congruence.

“I always like to make sure that I act and conduct myself in accordance with what I believe, because whenever I act differently, then I’m anxious, I’m stressed, and I don’t have peace. And I’ve come to learn that I like peace in spite of the circumstances.”
Ben Owden

This week on the Engage Relate Perform Podcast:

  • The importance and definition of empathy
  • The difference between understanding and accepting
  • Thoughts on diversity of thought
  • Why total agreement is a red flag
  • What makes a leader?
  • The importance of admitting when you’re wrong
  • The importance of authenticity
  • Leadership as a journey
  • The importance of the individual

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