EQ Is A Trainable Superpower. Here’s How – PT1 (#69)

Do you believe it is possible to increase your own emotional intelligence? Is it possible to increase the EQ of others? According to Dr. Daniel Goleman, a person’s emotional intelligence is a malleable, trainable skill – unlike your IQ. He argues that a person could even train their emotional intelligence well beyond its natural levels.

So if EQ is a trainable skill, how can we work that skill like a muscle to build it up to that capacity?

In today’s episode, I explain what emotional intelligence is and discuss some of the key competencies of emotional intelligence. I explain how increasing your EQ can help you form better relationships. I explain what cognitive empathy is and share strategies you can use to improve it. I also discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using cognitive empathy skills when negotiating with others.

“Having empathy increases the likelihood of helping others and showing compassion.” – Murtaza Versi

This week on Engage Relate Perform:

  • Understanding what emotional intelligence is
  • The connection between EQ and empathy
  • How increasing your EQ can help you build better relationships
  • Understanding cognitive empathy
  • How to improve your cognitive empathy
  • The benefits and drawbacks of using cognitive empathy skills when negotiating with others

Engage, Relate, Perform!

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1 thought on “EQ Is A Trainable Superpower. Here’s How – PT1 (#69)”

  1. Pingback: EQ Is A Trainable Superpower. Here’s How – PT2 (#70) – Murtaza Versi

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