John Tschohl: The Loyal and the Relentless (#31)

John Tschohl is an internationally recognized strategy and customer service guru. He is the founder and president of the Service Quality Institute, the global leader in customer service. He has developed a complete line of learning systems and services to help organizations create a service culture, and his technology is used throughout the world. He has authored hundreds of articles on customer service and service strategy and is interviewed almost every week by television, radio, and newspapers from all over the world. Referred to by USA Today as a customer service guru, John is the author of 8 bestsellers including Relentless, which was released late last year. For the last 40 years, he has focused solely on customer service, longer than anyone else in the world.

Today, John joins us to share his extensive insights into the link between employee appreciation and customer satisfaction. He talks about the need to be relentless in your customer service training and lists the reasons why. He stresses that employee appreciation needs to happen daily, not occasionally, and he shares an analogy to explain why money alone is not enough to keep employees motivated and committed. We discuss what it means to have a service culture, and he lists nine steps for delivering one.

“If you don’t love your employees and you don’t tell them every day how much you love them, they’re not gonna be as productive as they can. Money only gets a guy in the door.”

– John Tschohl

This week on the Engage Relate Perform Podcast:

  • The power of word-of-mouth
  • The need for relentlessness in customer service
  • The two audiences you need to value
  • The importance of appreciating your employees daily
  • 9 steps for delivering a service culture

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