Ravin Lama: Laughter is a Culture Matter (#52)

Ravin Lama is a laughter ambassador and a certified laughter yoga leader, trainer, and coach. He is the president of the AMCHAM in Mauritius (American Chambers of Commerce) and a Toastmaster. You may ask yourself: What does a laughter ambassador do? Ravin will introduce you to something completely therapeutic and something which we need in our daily lives, whether a leader or not. We need to laugh. Through laughter therapy, Ravin will make you laugh like you’ve never laughed before. The challenge is, he’ll do it without using humor, comedy, or jokes, but through laughter exercises.

Today, Ravin Lama joins me on the show to share his work. He explains what a laughter ambassador is and what he does. He notes that the brain cannot distinguish between real laughter and fake laughter, explaining that this means there are real health benefits to laughing regardless of circumstances. He shares Winston Churchill’s words on the power of laughter, explains what it means to laugh like a child, and explores the impact of laughter on stress.

“A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything.”
– Ravin Lama

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