Human resources

Lessons from Kenyan Airways: Why Professional Coaching, How and Why Now

In my profession as a coach, trainer and speaker, I find that most organizations do not understand how beneficial and vital coaching in the workplace is.  Professional coaching is the process of equipping staff with the opportunities, tools and knowledge they need to fully develop themselves to be effective in their commitment to themselves, the

Lessons from Kenyan Airways: Why Professional Coaching, How and Why Now Read More »

Staff loyalty, engagement and empowerment: Key takeaways from Amazon’s 10k offer to employees

Jeff Bezos has done it again! He has once again set the bar incredibly high for all leaders and executives alike. In case you missed it or are looking for insights on the topic at hand, this week we are looking at how enticing your employees could be the best thing for your company when done the right way!

Staff loyalty, engagement and empowerment: Key takeaways from Amazon’s 10k offer to employees Read More »