Terms & Conditions for Workshops


Workshop attendance is open to any individual who is able to physically attend the events. We reserve the right to offer virtual attendance on a case-by-case basis with full disclose during event notification. 

Signing up for an event does not guarantee a seat at the workshop. In order to confirm attendance, payment must be made upto 48 hours prior to the event date. 


Workshop pricing is determined based on the date and resources required. The price for each workshop is disclosed to potential attendees via email. 

We reserve the right to negotiate prices for company or group arrangements.


Workshops will generally be held for a maximum capacity of 25 people. Total seats will be advertised with each event. Seats will be sold first come, first served.


Payment can be made either via our Lipa na Tigo Pesa till number using mobile money, or via invoice and bank transfer payment. 

Full payment must be made on payment channels provided via email 48 hours before the date of the workshop.

We reserve the right to give away a workshop seat for any attendee that has not made full payment by this time.


Payments towards workshop attendance are non-refundable, except in the case of a cancellation 72 hours or more prior to an event, in which case a 50% refund can be processed. 


We understand that even after confirming attendance, different circumstances may cause you to miss one of our events. An attendee can cancel their seat upto 24 hours prior to the event, and reuse their credit with our workshops on another upcoming workshop. 

Change in Service

We reserve the right to change how a workshop is conducted including the venue, topic, duration and price anytime upto 24 hours prior to the event. In the event of a change, we will inform all attendees, confirmed and prospective. 

Refusal of Payment or Attendance

We reserve the right to refuse payment or attendance on any registrant for any reasons that may compromise our ability to conduct the workshop or prevent other attendees from learning the content.


The content delivered during our workshops is the intellectual property of Noesis Strategic Institute and its partners. We do not allow for redistribution of this content in any way.


By signing up for workshop events, you agree for us to use your name and email address during upcoming email marketing campaigns. You are able to opt out of our email marketing campaigns at the bottom of any email sent to you. For more regarding privacy of this website, please read our Privacy Policy.


This website and the company that operates are not responsible for the work performance of the individuals who attend our workshop events, nor the performance of the companies they work for.


We do not provide any warranties for our content. Full understanding of the content delivered during our workshops is the sole responsibility of the attendee. We reserve the right to provide extra help if and where we deem it is necessary to support attendee learning. 

Changes to Terms and Conditions

We reserve the right to amend our Terms and Conditions document at any time and inform you when a change has been made. 


Any disputes arising from our content or workshops may be raised by emailing info@noesis.co.tz  You agree to endeavor to settle disputes in an amicable way and only where this is not possible should we pursue professional mediation. 

Governing Law

This website MurtazaVersi.co.tz and its company Noesis Strategic Institute operate and conduct activities under the rule of law of the United Republic of Tanzania.