Recently I’ve really been enjoying my life as a husband, father and business owner from home. I am engaging more and more with communities online through social media. In fact last month, I had a great IG live session with a dear colleague on customer service trends in the hospitality and airlines industries. Comment below if you saw it. After the session, I received an email which read in part:
“…I love my family and spending time with them during this crisis has been great….tucking the kids in, home cooked meals and working from home could be considered the best of both worlds….But I’m finding it difficult to maintain that drive and motivation the longer this isolation continues…difficult to hold on to my purpose and drive…unsure where or how to go from here…”
Very relatable, we’ve all been there. As we battle the loss of normalcy, this situation is really poking holes in our strengths, leaving us exposed and wearing us down over time.
How do we reignite the fire and keep it going for longer?
Allow me to share some wisdom from my journey:
1. Make it your belief system
I mentioned earlier that my time has been best spent being a dad and husband. This is perhaps what has kept me focused and driven. They keep me going, my real purpose and legacy. Our purpose is more than what we do for money, it is; who we are, the people who depend on us and think highly and lovingly of us. Whatever faith system you follow, we can all agree that family is an integral part of it. It is a way of life, inseparable from the man. You can’t switch off your faith, much like being a dad, mom, husband, wife etc. Carry that same energy with your work purpose and engage with your values wholly.
2. Tap into your network
Those friends, family and acquaintances that’ll fuel your creative energy and help maintain the momentum. This can be with discussions, webinars and other available platforms with likeminded, well-meaning individuals who also are looking to discover, bond and build.
NB: As a leader you can use this time to really get to know and develop members’ values, interest, strengths and motivations. Experiment on different ways to build team cohesiveness.
3. Choose discipline instead of motivation
The difference being consistency over feeling. Yes, motivation is a great boost but discipline is an engine that keeps you going and gives the results we want. This means getting up and showing up even when we’re feeling down.
4. Find different routes to get you there
You may be derailed (not hiring, laid off, halted promotions etc.) but your current situation is not your destination and there’s more than one way to skin a cat. Sometimes plans don’t go accordingly, we take a detour or two but with every trial is an opportunity to thrive and survive. Look at volunteer opportunities, internships, entrepreneurship and to the internet for ideas and alternatives to accomplish the same (or greater) goals albeit differently.
This question is a tough one but I’m confident we can all share something to help the next so do comment your tips below. If you take nothing else from this article, remember this:
“When life is good, enjoy it. But when life is hard, remember that God gives us good times and hard times. And no one knows what will happen in the future”
Kwenye maisha, kuna kupanda na kushuka
Swahili Proverb meaning; in life, there are highs and lows
Today, we have life, health, family and access to the internet. Not a bad deal to settle on.